Recreation Therapist
A recreation therapist is a treatment service designed to restore, remediate and rehabilitate a person's level of functioning and independence in the life activities that we have.
The salary is $51,228 as between $45,773
You'll first need to determine if this career path is a good fit for you. To become one you'll need a two year associate's programs provides four year bachelor's degree and master's programs to become one.
There has been no demand after all because i guess it has too much responsibility which helps the workers.

I wouldn't want to be this because i think i wouldn't know how to do that. I know i would have to learn from it but i think that is not what i want after all. This i think helps people who are wanting to have the capacity. I think that in this job you might actually learn a lot but i think that i will stick with being a doctor. I know that this takes responsibility but i think that i actually won't be capable of helping others this way but in another like being a surgical doctor. I think that this job helps people who can do things like us for example walk or if they have an injury and you can't do what that injury doesn't let you. I think that this job has a good salary but not that much which i was waiting for. Also i think this profession is really interesting in many forms like knowing how to help a patient. Helping patients would be very good to help others who can be help. I think that this profession might change a person's life.
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