Karma Will Take Care Of Itself
Student Success Statement
"Its not about how to achieve your dreams. its about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma (destiny, fortune, good luck) will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you"
I think that this man is trying to tell us that if you want to achieve your dream you should do it by fighting hard for it. You shouldn't wait for your dreams to become true because you wont achieve it. This man tried hard to achieve his goal and he made it because he chose the right. I think this man is trying to tell us that when you want yo achieve your goals or dreams is because you want to be that but if you don't is because you have chose the wrong and decided that your dreams are nothing for you. When you want a dream to become true than you shouldn't stay there wait for your dream to come true instead of that you should fight for it to make your dream come true. If you've always wanted to be that successful person you've always dreamed about than you should go out there and look for your dream and to fight for it. This man is showing us that half of our life is to take responsibility well do all kinds of good things and to work hard to achieve your goals and the other half is to enjoy life. Enjoy life when you have achieved your goal because that's when you'll have in off to make wishes come true for example to by a slide for you to have fun while getting in the pool. Doing the right will lead you to your dream the dream that will change your life maybe for you to help others in need. This is something that people need motivation to make them achieve there goal to make there dream become true.-
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